Saturday 17 September 2011

Picking myself up #determined

One day, I'll draw/paint like this.


I've been so caught up with missing a lot of my life before I moved here, to Canada, a month ago. And it's complicated, I cant go to Uni here quite yet, I'm not authorised to work, or drive yet. Public transport is a hassle to access. And to be honest, I've only managed to make a couple genuine friends.. although I'm grateful everyone is nice.
I realised I need to find myself without all that, without school, University-life, Work, Chillouts, the exploration, cafe's, city, friends, constant going out. To find myself without my life as it was before I moved here, without the continuous reminiscing and nostalgia. I need to pick myself up. And God has truly helped me realise that.

It started today. I used to draw a lot, and today I did a rough experiment to see if i was still capable and happy in drawing. And gladly I can say, "here's to finding a former love"

Now, I want a sewing machine. lol. But I'll wait til I think I'm deserving of one :P

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